Thursday, 4 December 2014

Tata Photon+ and Ubuntu

This was the first time I was going to use Tata Photon + on my Ubuntu installation.  I was worried if Tata Photon offered a Linux installer. I searched google using a variety of combinations and found a pdf that offered an method of using Tata Indicom usb modem on Linux!!

However, the installation required a package called wvdialconf which was not installed on my system and I had no way to install it without internet!!

So, hopelessly, i just inserted the usb modem in my laptop hoping for some magic to happen.
I went to network options and found this!!

This is however a step further when you are actually connected to the internet.  You need to click on the dropdown and you will get an option to Add a New Connection. Click on it and you will get an option for Tata Photon+. Click on it and you will get a screen as the pic above( if ofcourse you have balance in your photon account :P ). The next time onwards, ubuntu will remember it and you don't have to do it again. Just go to list of available networks and you will find Tata Photon+ listed there.!! 

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