Hello everyone!!
I have decided to move on . My new blog is hosted at http://light94.github.io/ . I have shifted to jekyll for my blog and have hosted it using github-pages. The combo is free just like Google's Blogger. It offers an additional advantage to create your post while you are offline and when its done , just push it to github.
Jekyll is a parsing engine, that transforms documents written in simple formats like markdown or textile to HTML pages. It uses the Liquid templating engine which would look very familiar if you have worked with templates in Django.
To get a quick start, I used jekyll bootstrap . It creates the directory structure desired by jekyll and gives a default theme ( there are other themes also to choose from). So, you can just begin writing content. It is opensource and hackable.
The developers of jekyll bootstrap have made a single page document explaining jekyll and liquid here . It gives a clear picture of everything and gives you a headstart .
In addition, jekyll gives the functionality to import blogs from other platforms. So, I imported all the blog posts I made here and ported it to github pages.
The page here https://pages.github.com/ will guide you to begin using github pages.